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Treatment modalities_Clinical



Clinical Pilates
Pilates exercise system is developed in the 1920s by Joseph Pilates who was born in Germany. Pilates exercises aim to develop a strong “core”. During the exercise, the emphasis is on relaxed, rhythmic breathing, while performing smooth and coordinated movements. The exercises can be done on a variety of surfaces, such as mats or therapeutic balls. Exercises can also be performed using specialized equipment, Pilates Reformer. Pilates is becoming popular and it has been widely used in physiotherapy as part of the rehabilitation program as well.

What is Clinical Pilates?
Clinical pilates develops the deep postural muscle in the abdominal, spine, shoulder and pelvic regions. Good control of these core muscles can support and stabilize the spine, maintain good posture, prevent injuries and improve performance in sports and daily activities.  Pilates are direction-preference whole body movement exercises and can be performed on mat or using low resistance spring loaded equipment. Physiotherapists design exercise programs for the clients to promote recovery and prevent recurrent injuries.

Benefit of Clinical Pilates

  • Strengthens deep core muscles

  • Improves joint mobility and soft tissue flexibility

  • Relieves acute back pain

  • Improves chronic neck and back pain syndromes

  • Prevent episodes of back pain

  • Maintains and corrects body posture

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